We call them Energetic Explorers from the time they begin walking until they enter our Distinguished Discoverers. Hang on tight!! They are always moving, always climbing, and always busy. Your delightful, cuddly companion has become a hectic mass of energy, so demanding, but so full of wonder and enjoyment in life and learning. Your child is off and running, building knowledge of the world around them.
Your toddler’s climbing skills, block towers and beginning to speak in sentences are all signs of independence. It is at this time that your toddler will want to begin doing things for themselves even though they may not be able to. We truly understand the toddler phase here at Providence. The curricular activities take into consideration the tactile experiences that toddlers thrive on as they explore their world. We begin to teach them sign language to assist in communication and they enjoy various activities in a variety of medium. They are busy, busy from the time they arrive until they leave, transitioning among experiences that prepare them for success as a Distinguished Discoverer.